Why is Critical Race Theory Erroneous?
Critical race theory, commonly known as CRT, is a partially organized movement based on a fundamental principle that race is not natural. It is practiced among different human groups; instead, it is a socially established and constructed category that involves individuals being exploited or made to think indifferently based on various features.
The proponents of CRT think of critical race theory as a racist expression that creates differences amongst humans belonging to different cultures, classes, religions, and ethnicity. The Marxist rooted ideology is one that causes contention in several ways.
Here is why critical race theory is erroneous.
When Was critical race theory originated?
Critical race theory was initially organized in the late 1960s and 1970s. The evident catalyst for the critical race theory was the critical legal studies (CLS). It is important to note that the theory did not originate in the in the 60’s but found new life as more Marxist ideas was coming to the forefront in various parts of society that ranged from academia to other areas. It would find its way into critical legal studies, a widely known left leaning segment of law where law professors equivocated on law and social life.
The role of the CLS was to analyze how the rich, wealthy, and influential people oppress the poor and side-lined people of society at their hands. You can see where the Marxist leanings play a role in this theory from this core point of origination.
The liberals, and a small segment of people believe that the leaders were greatly incapable of maintaining a balance between the races existing in American society. But that notion was defeated as American society saw the integration of all races over the next 50 years. From people of the Levant to India to China and other areas, they have all lived together in one large melting pot.
The Critical Race theory originated in the 1970s through a few American legal writers and scholars like Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, Richard Delgado, and others.
The Basic Themes Present In CRT
There are two primary themes of Critical Race theory. The first theme highlights social racism, also known as white supremacy, and its power is exercised through the law.
The second theme of the Critical Race Theory mentions the importance of transitioning the relationship between law and racial power. It also highlights why it is essential to achieve anti-subordination and emancipation.
Why is the Critical Race Theory Idiotic?
The first premise of the theory rests on noting white supremacy within the world. But if one were to look at the world from a larger point, and consider the concept of race, one would have to go to the start of mankind. One can not merely look at the past 400 years or so and look at how globalization progressed, how world wars were fought and how it had a significant impact on the United States, Britain, and a few other prosperous countries like China.
Race is a concept that is real, it is not necessary to note that is fake or a construct of modern humanity. Yes, different groups did stick together over time and did have their respective customs, cultures, and traditions. Yes, on the surface, various groups do look alike and share similar traits that can make them prone to diseases.
Looking at race and race relations through a micro lens, as is done with CRT, is idiotic as it creates more division and looks at aspects such as colonization, commerce, trade, and other elements through one view as opposed to how humans have been throughout the rise of mankind. The view continues to look at the near past (400 years) instead of looking at the present and the future.
CityJournal notes “Marxist scholars in the West simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1960s. Abandoning Marx’s economic dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the dispossessed based on racial and ethnic categories.”
Those notions still are at play today while the United States is still about merit, economic progress, and contribution.
The second theme of race and power is an intriguing one as more people within the United States from law enforcement to judges like Clarence Thomas at the highest levels of the law and government, are of African American descent. From the President of The United States with Barack Hussein Obama, who was in power for 8 years, to other leaders in the highest positions of the law, one can find those of African American descent. As such, the second point or theme is nonsensical.
Many find critical race theory idiotic because it suppresses the vision of equality. It highlights racist or distinct views and eventually establishes a distinctive approach towards an individual; hence, many find critical race theory invalid, vague, and stupid.
Critical race theory interferes with the issues of race. It questions the races of people and challenges the different ways of racial justice by targeting a specific race. In addition to this, it also characterizes a person as a racist based on inheritance and identity. Hence, many people find it a stupid and harmful approach.
Lastly, it creates a discouraging gap between individuals who do not believe in racism or are far from the word itself.
CRT can dramatically divide American society and establish differences of opinion amongst people, establishing stereotypes at various levels even more. It does not focus on droughts, wildfires, or other factors that can cause significant resource problems within the United States. Instead, it goes against MLK Jr. and focuses on the color of people’s skin as opposed to their contributions.