What To Know about Inspira Technologies

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Inspira Technologies OXY B.H.N is an innovative medical device company that deals in the procurement of respiratory support technologies. The tech firm uses its ART500 novel innovations to provide its consumer segments with cost-effective and seamless respiratory treatment technological devices. In particular, Inspira Technologies focuses its operations on manufacturing machines meant to offer mechanical ventilation among patients with acute respiratory ailments.

In essence, Inspira uses the sub dynamic oxygenation method (a low flow approach) to manufacture its respiratory assistive devices that enable human blood cells to bond with oxygen molecules and the effective removal of carbon dioxide from the blood. Patients using Inspira have the assurance that their blood oxygen saturation levels will appreciate from a critically low value to a normal value (usually 95% or over).

The breakthrough with this technology is the overall cost and the mode of deployment which allows it to provide more assistance without creating financial issues or other hassles for practitioners.

What is the Inspira Technologies Patent?

However, Inspira heavily relied on forward-looking statements in its move to file its innovation’s patent, which only revealed the potential benefits of the ART device and the would-be gains of the ART design. It must be noted that the forward-looking statements presented by Inspira Technologies may change as they are subjected to an array of uncertainties. The tech firm undertakes no responsibility to make revisions on its forward-looking statements public, except as otherwise obliged by the law.

Inspira technologies filed for a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent application on December 8th, 2021. In the application, Inspira Technologies targeted its proprietary method and flagship ART device that aid in minimizing the need for mechanical ventilation in medical settings.

How the technology works

Inspira Technologies’ ART device is designed to facilitate direct oxygenation of blood while the patient is awake, but with a spontaneous breathe. In essence, ART functions like an artificial lung. However, it is highly effective as it will rebalance your patient’s oxygen level in 60 seconds. The ART device’s swift oxygenation and de-oxygenation abilities make it the best alternative for mechanical ventilation.